Saturday, January 28, 2012


I believe that, even if you are not majoring in marketing or pursuing that as a career, a course in that field can be very helpful.  Marketing is a tool used anywhere and everywhere with any company that you can think of; marketing is the tool behind getting the product into the customers hands.  Degrees such as Art or Graphic Design use marketing.  For example, we have a student in my Management information Systems class that is trying to come up with a product and launch it into the market; marketing will be a big backbone in trying to do so.  This student will need to come up with a target market which he will be advertising his product to, ways to show these people his product etc.  These are all tools that marketing uses and that are helpful to any business.  I work at a hospital in the kitchen and the website for the hospital is always changing and updating what's going on so that people know, and are informed.  Marketing is used all over the world and, I think, that it is the backbone to any successful business.  What do you think of Marketing, do you think that a business could survive with little to no marketing going on?

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