Saturday, April 7, 2012

In response to Chris' Facebook IPO

I think that Facebook will do extremely well.  Facebook is a technology that people of all ages are using; they also gain more members everyday.  Facebook is a worldwide company that has members in many different countries.  Facebook to me is going to be the next Apple in the world of stocks.  I can admit one thing, every time I sit down at the computer, I'm going to check Facebook at some point even if it is not the moment that I sit down.  There is definitely money to be made with this offering, it is already such a successful company that this will only help them.  Mark Zuckerburg seems to know how to run the website and what people want with social networking and I believe that investors understand this, which will make people want to invest in this company even more.  Do you think that the investors will try to put too much of their own words in on how to run the company? Will this upset Zuckerburg if it happens?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

TSA Airport ID Scanning

TSA in airports is now using an automated systems that checks your ID and boarding passes.  These new systems will prevent from fraudulent ID's or boarding passes from getting through security as they have in the past.  I think that this new system is a great idea, this will make it nearly impossible to create an ID or boarding pass that can pass these automated machines.  Up until this new invention TSA employees physically check each individual ID and boarding pass.  This will also improve the time it will take to get through the line at a security checkpoint in the airport because all the employees will have to do is slide the ID or boarding pass through the machine and this will tell them whether it is a valid ID or boarding pass.
Do you think this is a good thing for the TSA to do? Do you t think that the TSA is trying to do to much with the new machines that they are coming out with to improve security breaches?